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Postgraduate Studies - Some Msc and Mphil.

Hi again! This time I will write a bit about my postgraduate interest.

1. Reasons to do the course

Long ago I decided to stay on the subject of Urban Studies in Sociology. Later I realized that it was not a good option to seek a specialization matter, but to let it flow across our experience. Now I find myself between two broad areas that meet my interests: Latin American Studies and Cultural Studies; Cities are also an option. The main reasons them, are not only my intellectual interest but also the professional needs.


2. Where you would like to study

Dreaming its possible, so there are two excellent and fast programs in the UK. The first one in London’s Economic and Political Science School []] and the other one in Cambridge University []. Msc in Culture and Society and a Mphil in Latin American subjects.

In Chile and other places of Latin America its possible to find programs like that, that’s for sure. A Msc postgraduate degree on Cities currently in course of the Urban Studies Institute of the Catholic University of Santiago [] it’s also a good choice.  


3. Studing model

In a not-Covid19 world, this programs put you in a full time, one year program. There’s also the possibility of part-time class, but it’s not optimum.  


4. Requirements

In both cases the prospects expectations are high, there is, certainly, big competition for both program and scholarships that make possible the costs of living as student in expensive countries or cities.   

4.1    Academics

In both cases the base grade for postulation it’s not THAT high, but national scholarships tend to be exclusive to those students with experience and high marks. So that’s an indirect requirement to have in mind for these last years.

4.2    Communicational

In the case of the UK programs, there is this language gap. I have to demonstrate in some standardized test my uses of English in his four main areas of production and reception of communication. The expected mark is also high.

In those two last areas I’m just trying to have the best possible grades ant the same time that making all the possible effort to get familiarized with English, next year I have to prepare my exams.  


Thanks for reading!


  1. Sounds interesting studying Latin American Culture in a UK University, maybe it's a better option, to have another point of view :)


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